In the title sequence we feature two main characters Amy and Katy. First we are shown two close up shots one of their feet and one of a hand playing with the grass. These are enigmatic shots.
Our next shot is of our two characters laughing; this would be of a mid shot from above. This is how our characters are introduced to the audience.
We (as the audience) then proceed to follow the two girls in several different locations walking through a field a playground and at school etc.
In many of the shots we shall see both of the girls then something or someone will block the camera, when we return or the block has moved we shall be left with only one character (Amy) to show that Katy is in Amy’s mind only.
BTV168:키링 토토토토토토토토토 토토링 토토토링 토링 토토링 토링 토토토토토 카지노 카지노 우리카지노 우리카지노 288Poker: $200 Bonus - Poker in Japan